Mass Effect Legendary Edition – How to Save Everyone on the Suicide Mission

June 2023 · 3 minute read

While there are tons of missions leading up to it, the final goal of Mass Effect 2 is to save everyone on the suicide mission. At times, it’s all that Shepard can talk about. You have to go through the Omega 4 Relay and confront the Collector’s, and there is a very good chance that most or none of you will make it back. But you can get in and out without losing a single crew member. Here’s how to save everyone on the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

How to Save Everyone in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

While most of Mass Effect 2 as part of the Legendary Edition release is spent prepping for this final suicide mission, there are definite things you’ll need to have if you want to save everyone. Ship upgrades, crew loyalty, and specific decisions made during the mission will be key to saving them all. While some elements might need their own guide, we’ve tried to explain them as thoroughly as you will need in order to make it out alive. So, here’s the steps to make sure you’ve done all you can to save everyone on Mass Effect Legendary Edition’s Suicide Mission.

That’s everything you need to do before the actual Suicide Mission to be prepared. Once on the mission itself you’ll need to make certain choices to ensure your crew’s safety. Who you send for certain tasks will be the difference between success and their death. Here’s who to send on these tasks.

And that’s how to save everyone on the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. This truly was one of Mass Effect 2’s greatest moments. It can be tough though, and requires a lot of work be done before heading into the actual finale. Try to follow these steps and everyone will make it out alive though.
